• Tips for Training in the Heat

    Tips for Training in the Heat

    Summer is hopefully here to stay. With the rising temperatures, I wanted to provide you with my favourite tips for smart training in hot weather. 1. Start off slow. As much as you may feel energetic and fast at the start of a run, the heat and humidity can really take a toll on our

  • Diaphragmatic Breathing

    Diaphragmatic Breathing

    With the heightened stress and anxiety many people are experiencing during the COVID-19 pandemic, I felt it was important to touch on a topic that has been shown to help reduce stress. And that is the importance of breath. We are always breathing. There are times when you may notice it more – like during

  • My Thoughts on Posture Braces

    My Thoughts on Posture Braces

    A few patients have approached me now, asking my thoughts on the posture braces they have seen online. Adds for various posture braces pop up while scrolling through Facebook. I have seen them myself. So, I decided to read up onto the various products and then share with you my personal opinion on them. The

  • Tips for Smart Gardening

    Tips for Smart Gardening

    It’s the last day of March, which means spring weather is just around the corner! This also means people are getting outside more frequently and likely thinking about tending to their gardens. Gardening can be a pretty labour intensive job, so I wanted to share with you the best tips on how to lower your

  • The Best Way to Manage a New Injury

    The Best Way to Manage a New Injury

    In the clinical world, we refer to new injuries as “acute” injuries. These are injuries that occur suddenly and are usually associated with some sort of trauma (i.e., broken bone, ankle sprain, muscle strain, or bruise). Knowing how to manage a new injury when it first occurs is important, as it can be beneficial in

  • What’s the Deal with Standing Desks?

    What’s the Deal with Standing Desks?

    Recently patients have been asking me whether standing desks are worth it? Are they really as beneficial as news articles claim? My response, “yes!” And here is why: Sitting too much has been linked to negative health outcomes (like obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc.). Being able to break up the day by standing for periods

  • Relieving Discomfort in the Upper Back

    Relieving Discomfort in the Upper Back

    It is very common for patients to present with thoracic spine (upper to mid-back) discomfort. Most describe this pain as stiff, tense, sharp or achy. It is not surprising that the majority of patients are suffering from this, as many of their jobs require them to sit at a desk for long hours. At the

  • Tips for Shoveling Snow: How to Avoid Injury

    Tips for Shoveling Snow: How to Avoid Injury

    Shoveling snow is one of the most common causes of injury to the low back and shoulders during the winter months. It is also the cause of a few hundred heart attacks each year. The cold weather, increased exertion and slippery surfaces that those shoveling snow are presented with is a dangerous combination especially when

  • Acupuncture and Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJD)

    Acupuncture and Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJD)

    The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is where the lower jaw (mandible) connects to the skull (temporal bone). This joint along with the muscles surrounding it allow us to open and close the mouth for talking, chewing and yawning.  The alignment of the jaw can be changed when the various muscles that control the joint pull on

  • The Hydration Debate

    The Hydration Debate

    Most of us know that staying hydrated is an essential component of athletic performance. But what drink is the most suitable to do so? One factor in gaining post exercise rehydration is for drink volume to be greater than the volume of fluid that you lost during the workout. It is also important to replace