• Orange You Glad You Had a Sweet Potato

    Orange You Glad You Had a Sweet Potato

    It appears that orange is the new green! Making sure you get your “greens” on a daily basis has always been emphasized as part of healthy eating (and of course it still is), but it is important not to forget about the other vibrant coloured foods that exist! Orange foods are nutrient-dense.  And no I

  • Winter Running Essentials

    Winter Running Essentials

    “If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done” As a runner living in Ontario, I know how difficult it can be to find the energy to head out for a run on a cold winter day.  The conditions are usually less than ideal with all the ice, snow, sleet and slush
  • Welcome!


    Here it is! My very own website! I am very excited to have this up and running! First of all, I would like to take some time to thank some significant people in the launch of this site.  I am very grateful for Jannah Cadarian for all her help in designing this site and teaching